Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Rare Vintage


An evening  for two

I had on my old    pearls

and he  his victorian pocket watch and chain

We met   at the station at  half past eight   in the  evening

and      booked a table  for two at   the   Vine  hotel   in  the  town

 he  sat  opposite  me and  held my hand  while   our feet danced   under  a long white  tablecloth

 we  chatted and  laughed and    gazed

into  each others eyes

and  drank  quite alot of   the best   white wine

It was     the first time   we had ever met  but it felt  as if   it had been    going on    for many  a year

 the bonds     felt   strong and  the  feelings  felt right

 we  made a   short   evening   last     all through the  night

 and  then     in the  morning   we  made our way   back  to  the station  where  we had  met  and   waved  to each other  as  one of  us left   for  the  long journey  back home      


  1. All that way and no kip? Rosie, what you been getting into? LOL haha :--) Nice one :-)

  2. It might have been a kind of happy-end....

  3. I can picture it....Right out of an old English novel...


  4. Yes , maybe ... it all sounds very romantic and just what I would dream of too!!

  5. thanks to imagination, we can go anywhere we want and be anyone we wish. thanks for the lovely and romantic words.

  6. ..... the missing pictures will grow in our fantasies ......

  7. Yes , I have a beautiful picture safe inside my soul growing every hour of every day !
