Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rare Vintage


A rare vintage

her lips fully fermented with a rose bouquet

hair glistening and enhanced by   years of sun

blue eyes that dance

when she  looks into  my eyes and a slender  body very beautiful

warm,moist, and   very desirable

altogether a beauty

sent from heaven

 to share   her precious love  only  with me

All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding 2012


  1. Beautiful metaphorical words!!!
    Have a great day, Rosie!

  2. Love lasts as long as life does...

  3. You always amaze me with your works. Outstanding...

  4. Lovely Lady Rosie :) I really like the picture too!! :) good morning xxx

  5. Yes, This image fits the words beautifully I thought .... thanks all for the wonderful comments once again , today Rosie still feels under par but I shall pick up soon I hope. !


  6. A poem that speaks from the heart of any man who has the love of his life .... or to any woman who has her special love too!!

  7. Hi Rosie, hope you are taking your chicken soup, your hot chocolate drink and getting enough rest or dosing off between meals - perhaps a good dosage of vitamins might help some :-)) a great pick-up is the vitamin-b-complex - take one a day and by the end of the week you should be feeling the benefits of it :-) Good luck :-))
