Have not been online for a couple of days now because of family sickness, thanks for all comments and guestbook greetings too, I will be back posting on Multiply as soon as I can so in the meantime I send you all my love and hope that you all have a good week , have a happy Halloween too love from me Rosiex
Monday, October 31, 2011
Have not been online for a couple of days now because of family sickness, thanks for all comments and guestbook greetings too, I will be back posting on Multiply as soon as I can so in the meantime I send you all my love and hope that you all have a good week , have a happy Halloween too love from me Rosiex
Friday, October 28, 2011
Nights spent in heaven
my imagination whisking me away
into worlds of my own
allowing me to soar above like birds of prey
over craggy mountains and distant shores
meeting beautiful strangers
in the darkness of the night
and to play out all my most darkest fantasies free from consequences
or disturbance with those who
are willing to surrender to my to my wishes or commands
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Kissing In The Rain
In my dream
I love you without even knowing who you are
your kisses drink me
until I thirst for more
your eyes penetrate my brain untill My knees become weak
and when we kiss in the rain
I burn in the heat of your burning desire
I am addicted
and now I cannot
quell those thoughts
because you have stolen my soull Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011
We share our love
but it is caged
hidden and secret
the days go by
and the love grows deeper and deeper
and perhaps one day
that love will be released
so that we can taste the sweetness and fulfil
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding 2011Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Flying Free
Flying free
soaring way above those clouds
feeling the chains being unlocked
and your heart set free
destined for far away places
and freedom to find love
and the chance to live and feel alive again
such a beautiful thought
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Our World
Our world
long lasting days beautiful moonlit nights
your smile
my perfect love
your laughter
and our bit of heaven
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011Monday, October 24, 2011
Crossing the bridge into the unknown
the wood creaked and I felt unsure of what was over on the other side of it
but when I reached my destination
I saw a beautiful meadow full of wild flowers and grasses
an old wooden bench that had seen better days
and the welcome face that sat waiting for me
altogether it all seemed like the perfect day to escape into the countryside and to feel like I had not got a care in the world
Friday, October 21, 2011
Fallen Dreams Of last May
Out of the fallen dreams of May
comes the magical mists of Autumn
hiding those broken hearts and dreams
that did not come to fruitition
but the cold nights hold a promise
of red passion under an October moon
and the chance to heal old wounds
and banish the past
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011Thursday, October 20, 2011
Who Is He
Who is this dark stranger
who haunts me in my dreams
when he whispers my name I follow him
we kiss deeply
and the passion becomes out of control
I am hypnotized by his charm
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Its A Long Way
Its a long way to come
to win my heart
I do not know if you still wish to fly
maybe you are still not free or you have changed your mind
does not matter now
I have moved on
and life has to go on
the winter is setting in and I shall be kept cosy and my body will be warm
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011So Beautiful
The dream was so beautiful
we became lost in our own music
the interludes brought us waves of sheer pleasure and the night went on forever
before you left we composed a lasting overture that had all the right notes for a perfect ending
and a tune we will never forget
never to be played by anyone else because it is written into our souls
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
She Still Blooms
Beautiful Rose
She still blooms
even though she lays close to the ground in the Autumn Sunshine
strong and very beautiful her fragrance
still attracting a host of suiters
queen of all the flowers
and still desired
by many
she will bloom on even when it turns bitterly cold because she is loved
Monday, October 17, 2011
Burning Flame
It was you that lit the flame
You started a fire in my soul
It still burns today
and at night when it is cold and dark
the love from its glow keeps me warm and cosy
and I still hear the music we shared
All RightsRserved Rosie Fielding2011Sunday, October 16, 2011
A brief affair
A very short but brief affair
the memories hidden safe inside the two souls that became as one
a beautiful friendship simple and full of silly laughter and fondness for the same dreams
never to be forgotton
a meeting of minds on a perfect day
that will be cherished
for ever and ever
It was meant to be
but fate stood in the way
cruel but kind to those that never ever knew
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The night Goddess
searches for her prey
dressed in soft black leather
her mission to feed her hunger
she shows no mercy
when her victims fall
into her web
and her strength soon weakens their will
she moulds them skillfully untill they worship her at her feet
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011Friday, October 7, 2011
Speak to me
open up your heart
allow me to wrap my arms around you and show you that I care
let me feed your body with my love so that you will start to feel new again
and then their will be no need to speak anymore words
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Watching through my window
I see a stranger walking down the lamplit road
I wonder if he lives alone
or does he wait to see the one he loves as his footsteps get lighter and he disapears out of my sight
sometimes he looks up at my window
when I am in the room
perhaps he is alone and
looking for someone to love
wonder what he would say
if he knew that I had written a poem
about a stranger who walks down my road
and how many times the poetess has watched him
All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011Tuesday, October 4, 2011
busy ripening fruitsTrees Of Gold
Monday, October 3, 2011
You know that I shall be waiting
the room is moody and cosy
Soft lights glow in the still of the night and I need
a night of love so
do not leave it to long
I promised you all my love
All Rights Reserved Rosy Fielding2011