Friday, November 25, 2011

A memory

Wrapped up in a special place for memories

are  my   my thoughts , 

your  words to me ,

and  the beautiful  moments   shared    between us

and now   all  that  is left   are   shared tears

but tears of  sheer joy

because  when fate    allowed  us    to  spend    a short time  together

 those   few    days   brought  us  both  alive     and     we were able  to  laugh   out loud again 

at nothing  really  only   happy      go lucky nonsense that   gave us     the  most precious  time of our lives

these  memories    will  haunt us    in a beautiful way  for the rest of our  lives     to treasure     between us  both



  1. Thankyou Caroline ... do not be sad my words are meant to stir your emotions but not make you feel sad my dear .... I send you a warm hug !


  2. Memories are sweet when it comes to matters of love , some memories can be sad ones but we all must remember all those beautiful ones and let the sad ones fly free


  3. Thankyou all for the beautiful comments today Have a nice weekend love Rosiex

  4. I don't find your words sad but very beautiful.... Have a good weekend, Rosie!

  5. Treasures not of gold or silver but memories....very nice

  6. Rosie ... this is very beautiful ... hugs ... : )

  7. Rosiex, these are beautiful words. When everything is said and done, memories especially wonderful memories keep us going. thanks for the post.

  8. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories ...

  9. Thankyou all for the beautiful comments on this poem enjoy the weekend with love from me Rosiex

  10. Words
    Well used in your own descriptive manner
    Good Form Rosie
    Have a good one

  11. Beautiful Rosie. A sheer joy of love shared and remembered.

  12. Thankyou for your beautiful comments love Rosiex
