Saturday, November 19, 2011

Come Closer

Come closer  and    fall into  my open arms

taste  my  kisses   and listen  to my   heart beating    as  your  body   touches  mine

 feed me   on your love 

until I am  satisfied

that you    found   your   soulmate  and   that   the love we  shared  was  real

  and not just another dream that   faded  away   when the dawn came along but    the dream   you  had   that  became   so real

when  our   hearts met and began beating as one


All Rights Reserved Rosie Fielding2011





  1. Very Nice, even if it reminds me of a song

    Dave x

  2. Thankyou Dave, I wonder what song you thought ... I just wrote this very quickly an hour ago and then I posted it .... thanks for your nice comment , enjoy the evening my friend!

  3. very tasty. And great image with the words.

  4. its a dream wouldnt want to end ..

  5. catch me when I fall.....but brace youself

  6. extremely good , pleasing , it can be real.
    *I need an airline ticket ;)

  7. closer ....... don't be shy more close ..... now it is better I can feel your warmth ..... but please, come even more close until you and I are one ......

  8. The one sounds like you have found your match Rosie, good for you - nice write :-))

  9. I love all of your inspiring comments on this poem .... but... Have I met my match or not? good question I wish !

  10. As soulmates together now
    We meet and elegantly bow
    To one another and here we stand
    Taking one another by the hand :-)

  11. Beautiful words Parzifallissimo, thankyou very inspiring indeed !

  12. When hearts meet there is no dream, but the taste of reality! Thx & hugs xx, Menno

  13. Yes Menno your right ..... then that dream unfolds gently like a flower to flourish and be nourished with love and care !

  14. Come closer and fall into my arms,
    let me seduce you with my seductive charm.
    Taste my kisses and listen to my heart beating,
    as you bring my skin to a fiery heating.

    S. D. K. 11-21-11

    Thank you Rosie for your inspiring words of beauty and grace. Keep writing dear.

  15. Wonderful Sharon ... you write with great depth of feeling just like me thankyou !

  16. What a beauty! I must say this touches me a lot. thanks Rosiex
